A flavorful combination of rice with Tindora or Ivy Gourd. Very easy and tasty way of introducing Tondli in your daily meal...
Preparation time : 10 mts
Cooking time : 35 mts
Serves : 3 to 4people
Cooking time : 35 mts
Serves : 3 to 4people
- 1 cup Rice
- 1 cup sliced Tondli / Tindora
- 3 tbsp Oil
- 1 tsp Cumin Seeds
- 2 Bay leaves
- 1 tsp Biryani Masala
- 1 tsp Ginger Garlic paste
- 1/4 tsp Turmeric powder
- 1 tsp Red Chilli powder
- 1 Onion finely chopped
- Wash and soak rice in water for 20 mts.
- Wash tindora very well and then cut its edges and cut that in to small coins.
- Heat oil. After oil is hot add cumin seeds and bay leaf.
- Then add onions and saute onions until it turns translucent.
- Then add ginger garlic paste, turmeric powder, mic well.
- Cook for another one minute.
- Then and tondli and mix very well.
- Add Rice and two cups of water.
- Then add chilli powder and biryani masala.
- Add salt to taste.
- Mix very well.
- Bring that to boil over high heat.
- After that comes to a boil lower down the heat to medium, cover and cook for 3 to 4 minutes.
- After 4 minutes, lower down the heat to lowest possible temperature and cook for 20 more minutes.
- Give rice a 10 minutes of standing time before you serve it.
- Garnish with freshly scraped coconut and coriander leaves.
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